Creating a pollinator-friendly balcony in Mumbai can be a great way to support local pollinators such as bees and butterflies, as well as enhance the beauty of your balcony.
Here are some steps you can take to create a pollinator-friendly balcony in Mumbai:

1. Provide water:
Pollinators need water to survive, so make sure to provide a shallow dish or tray filled with water and pebbles for them to land on and drink from.

3. Create a vertical garden:
The more plants you can fit on your balcony, the better. Create a vertical garden by using planters, hanging baskets, or wall-mounted planters.

2. Avoid pesticides:
Pesticides can be harmful to pollinators, so avoid using them on your balcony. Instead, use natural pest control methods such as companion planting and handpicking pests.

4. Create shelter:
Pollinators need places to rest and hide from the sun and rain. Provide them with shelter by adding a bee box, butterfly box, or a small structure that can provide a place for them to rest.

5. Be patient:
It may take time for pollinators to find your balcony, so be patient and observe which pollinators are visiting your balcony. Keep a journal of the different types of pollinators you see, and adjust your planting accordingly.
Doesn’t matter. All you need is a big heart. Creating a butterfly friendly space is quite easy. Butterflies visit a garden for two things that are nectar, which they get from flowers, and for host plants to lay their eggs.

Choose a right location
Usually, butterfly prefers to flutter in a sunny location. Choose a location that receives at least 4-6 hours of sunlight daily

Grow butterfly friendly plants
Grow nectar plants to attract butterflies. Flowers of non-hybrid varieties are suitable. Choose plants that have a long blooming season

Plant host plants
Host plants are a must-have in a butterfly garden as they attract egg-laying butterflies and feed emerging caterpillars.

Avoid the Use Pesticides and Herbicides
Using pesticides in a butterfly garden harms beneficial insects, birds, and pollinators. Avoid them to protect your garden's ecosystem.

Flower Color Matters
Butterflies are attracted to bold and warm colors like yellow, pink, red, purple, lavender, blue-green, or orange because they can see them.

Obtain a Puddling Source
You often see butterflies on moist sand. This behavior is called puddling. Create a puddling place by filling a saucer or pan with coarse, moist sand mixed with ½ to ¾ cup of salt.

Do Mulching with Leaves
Mulching can provide protection for butterfly eggs and hibernation. Apply thick mulch to each pot in your garden to help them.

Be patient
Be patient, mulching can provide protection for butterfly eggs and hibernation. Apply thick mulch to each pot in your garden to help them.
Doesn’t matter. All you need is a big heart. Creating a butterfly friendly space is quite easy. Butterflies visit a garden for two things that are nectar, which they get from flowers, and for host plants to lay their eggs.

Choose a right location
Usually, butterfly prefers to flutter in a sunny location. Choose a location that receives at least 4-6 hours of sunlight daily

Plant host plants
Host plants are a must-have in a butterfly garden as they attract egg-laying butterflies and feed emerging caterpillars.

Grow butterfly friendly plants
Grow nectar plants to attract butterflies. Flowers of non-hybrid varieties are suitable. Choose plants that have a long blooming season

Avoid the Use Pesticides and Herbicides
Using pesticides in a butterfly garden harms beneficial insects, birds, and pollinators. Avoid them to protect your garden's ecosystem.

Flower Color Matters
Butterflies are attracted to bold and warm colors like yellow, pink, red, purple, lavender, blue-green, or orange because they can see them.

Do Mulching with Leaves
Mulching can provide protection for butterfly eggs and hibernation. Apply thick mulch to each pot in your garden to help them.

Obtain a Puddling Source
You often see butterflies on moist sand. This behavior is called puddling. Create a puddling place by filling a saucer or pan with coarse, moist sand mixed with ½ to ¾ cup of salt.

Be patient
Be patient, mulching can provide protection for butterfly eggs and hibernation. Apply thick mulch to each pot in your garden to help them.

Here are some plants that are known to attract butterflies and can be grown in a balcony garden in Mumbai: Along with nectar plants they also need host plants for them to breed.